Sunday, November 28, 2010

A family special

I was fortunate to grow up in a family that was probably a bit above average in size for the day (4 children) and with parents who loved to have their children and their friends involved in many at home activities. My mom was a good cook - at least from what I can remember. We always had something good to eat on the table, even though times were tough for them in the early years of my life. For example, I've learned that horse meat was served during rough economic times and that "velvet steak" was something that I didn't particularly enjoy. There were some fabulous "low cost" staples we ate, among them our chile con carni - a recipe I have never seen anywhere else, spaghetti with or without meatballs and my dad's great sauce, and one of our absolute favourites mom's unbelievable sweet and sour pork. I've read through some of her recipe notes over the years and seen recipes she has contributed to church and other publications, but I can't say I have seen the recipe for the sweet and sour sauce in any publication other than the one I have acquired from an ancient email. I know my brothers and sister and daughters read my blog from time to time, and I am sure they concur that what I cooked tonight - and do so a dozen or so times a year - is the real deal.

As I write this, I am certain I can't give away the exact recipe, so let me make this a bit of a puzzle until I get mom's permission to share it fully.

Here are the ingredients ... though not in their exact quantity.

  • Drippings from the pork - don't use your favourite baby back ribs, but rather side ribs, hopefully on sale. Also, don't think that bacon fat will work if you do decide to use the less fatty back ribs.
  • Minced garlic
  • Sugar
  • Soya Sauce
  • Vinegar
  • Corn starch

Now, I'll see what I can do about getting the ingredients published ...

Cheers... Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been using that recipe (minus the meat drippings of course!) for stir-fry sauce . . . I haven't used another sauce since trying it out the first time a few months back as the girls and I just love it!

I always remembered Grandma's sauce but it's been over 18yrs (?) since I've eaten meat - and while I've had other S&S sauces on vegie dishes, none could compare (though the S&S tofu at Bo Kong comes REALLY close!).

When Bri gave me the recipe I didn't realize at the time it was hers, but once I tasted it, it brought back many memories. Delicious!