Monday, December 16, 2013


I admit to being a Twitter fan. I have been for years and find a lot of things of interest to things I do today in my retired life. I follow wineries that produce the wines I enjoy. I follow golfers who are friends of mine, professional, and who write about golf. My interest in photography is enhanced by reading about and seeing others photographs. I also maintain a strong interest in K-12 education and while I do not follow as many contributors as I did in my working days, I feel that I have a good network of those I do follow. One of my interests over the past number of years, both when I was working, and now as grandfather and ocassional presenter at schools, is internet safety. Usually when a link to a good resource is posted, as happened last week, I bookmark it or retweet it or favourite it so that it is part of my personal feed. In case of that link, I neglected to do any of those good things. Consequently when I was looking for it about 4 days later, I could't recall who had made the original post.

So, I made this post, however as often happens when a question is posed on line, I don't get a response that answers the question. This is not a criticism as often I do get an answer, specially if the question is a bit easier to resolve.

So, I began to think of how I might solve the problem. I had searched for some key words, however there was one aspect of the search function I had never used and thinking about it, I should have.

I went back over the keywords I had used before, this time selecting the People you follow option. Finally, the keyword talk, brought up the tweet I was looking for.

Thanks to Craig Badura for his creation of this presentation, and thanks for pointing out a new app, Smore, that might be useful.

Love Twitter, and love to have learned something new about searching for a tweet from a member of my PLN.

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