Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Working at home

Working at home
Originally uploaded by bobsd46

The day started out pretty well with some problem solving for one teacher, getting a computer back started again for a board office staff member, and some work on an upcoming seminar. Then things started to get a bit more negative and since I had an afternoon online session to participate in, I decided to head home and settle into a more comfortable, quiet, environment. Even looking out on the rain was positive as I wouldn't be dreaming of playing golf instead.

That said, the course I was to take online had some issues with webpages not loading and I spent some time exchanging messages with tech support. Finally, I called it quits and just did a bit of other learning, exploring my google reader, twitter links, reviewing and dealing with backlogged email, etc.

Eventually it was time for dinner and hoping for the day to end on a much better note than it was at some points in time.

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